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Dark Temptation (Immortal Legacy Book 4) Page 6
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“Where is my daughter?”
“She is safe, for the time being,” I told him.
“Sarah belongs with me.”
“And then what? Will you kill your own brother to protect her, a girl that should never have been born? Will you go against your own species and the ancients to keep her safe?” I asked.
“If need be, yes!” Donovan glared at me.
“I don’t believe you would.”
“Why do you think it’s your place to interfere with the Immortals?” Donovan’s voice was steady, but there was fury in his eyes.
“It’s all about balance,” I told him. “If it continues like it has, that balance will be thrown off. When that happens, we must go to war to protect what we have been charged with protecting.”
Donovan stepped closer. “She belongs with her own kind. You are endangering anyone who is with her.”
I didn’t respond. He was right. I was putting Summer’s life in danger and that fact ate at me.
“If you tell me where to find Sarah, I give you my word that she’ll be safe, and I will stand against my own kind to keep this balance you speak of. You will need my support to accomplish this and you know it” Donovan added.
Again he was right.
Eying the ancient vampire, I wondering just how far he could be trusted.
Chapter Eighteen
Leaning against the balcony railing, I gazed up at the dark sky, losing myself in the beauty of the night. From where I stood, the lights of Reno didn’t drown out the stars. Glancing to my left, I saw the neon lights of the casinos that made up much of the city. The location was perfect really. I was close enough to the city for easy access, but far enough away that I could still enjoy the night sky.
Though I hadn’t come to Reno under the best of circumstances, my situation had turned out better than what I’d hoped. Summer was fun to be around and she didn’t seem the least concerned about my background.
Inhaling deeply, I savored the scent of roses clinging to the cool night air. Vine roses climbed the balcony rails, adding color to the already lovely view from Summer’s apartment.
My thoughts drifted to the one person I shouldn’t think about. There hadn’t been a single sign of Darrien since leaving Sutter Point, but what did I expect? It wasn’t as if he would have the slightest idea where to find me. In fact, he wasn’t supposed to know where I was.
When I thought of Darrien, I couldn’t help but remember back to that night in the hedge maze. I remembered how magical it felt to be in his arms, to feel his touch and how easily he’d taken me to a place of pure bliss. Never in my life had I felt as safe as I did in his arms.
But then the darkness would creep up on me, the craving for his blood and the fear that I’d turned. The shadow of uncertainty still taunted me while my heart continued to call out to him. Constantly, I yearned for his nearness and the safety of his arms, but then there was Caroline. Could I live with his love for a witch who’d died so long ago?
“You are Caroline.” A voice echoed in my head.
In my dreams, I lived Caroline’s horror and felt the utter hopelessness of loving an Immortal. I felt the fierce need to protect her child, but was I remembering or simply picking up on Caroline’s energy with my own psychic abilities?
How could I ever know for sure if I really was Caroline or just a reflection of the witch?
Blinking rapidly, I tried to hold back the hot tears stinging my eyes. If only Darrien loved me and not someone he wanted me to be.
I was pulled from my thoughts when Summer slid the glass door open and stuck her head out.
“Just wanted to let you know that I’m home.” The smile on Summer’s face faded when she saw the tears in my eyes.
“Are you okay?” she asked, stepping out to the balcony.
“Yes.” I tried to smile. “Just feeling sorry for myself.”
“Well, we all have a right to do that sometimes. Is there anything I can do?” Summer took a seat at the small patio table.
I shook my head. “It’s nothing that won’t get better with time.”
“It’s a guy, right? It’s always a guy!” Summer frowned.
“Yeah.” I shrugged. “But he’s not just an ordinary guy. It’s a lot more complicated than that.”
“Isn’t it always?” Summer grinned and stood up. “I’ll get us a couple sodas and you can tell me about it?”
A moment later, Summer returned with the sodas and took her seat. “So, tell me, what is so special about this guy?”
“How much do you know about me?” I asked.
“Well, I know you’re in trouble and that you are a friend of Lex’s. I also know that your father is a member of the vampire race. But I have to tell you, I’ve never actually seen a vampire, mostly. I mean in school there was a teacher who claimed to be a vampire,” she added.
“You have now. In a way, I’m a vampire,” I confessed. “Darrien is a vampire. He was turned hundreds of years ago. He thinks I’m the reincarnation of a witch that he loved back then.”
“Are you?” Summer asked, before taking a drink of her soda.
I lifted my shoulders. “She was one of my ancestors. I’ve had dreams about her and what happened to her, but I don’t know if it’s just something I’m picking up from her spirit.”
“And you want this guy to love you for you, and not because he thinks you’re someone else?”
I nodded.
“I know how you feel,” Summer admitted. “There’s this guy, I think I fell in love with him years ago, when I was just a little girl. He doesn’t know I’m alive. He still thinks I’m a child.”
For a time, Summer seemed to be lost in memory, but then she smiled. “You know, the two of us shouldn’t be sitting here pouting about the men we can’t have. We should be out having fun.”
“Oh I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head. “I’ve never been too good with the whole social scene.”
“Nonsense!” Summer stood up. “It’s too late tonight, but maybe we could hit the town tomorrow night. What do you say?”
I smiled. “On one condition. You let me try a spell first. One for me and one for you.” Now that I’d been initiated into the coven, I was anxious to try out a spell.
Why not one that might help both of us?
“What kind of spell?” Summer asked.
“A spell to find true love.” I was already looking around for something I could use.
Summer laughed. “Okay. But if we do happen to find our true love, how will we know they aren’t just bewitched?”
“The spell would bring our true love to us, but it won’t make them love us. That will be up to us.”
“Okay,” Summer shrugged. “I guess it couldn’t hurt. I sure need a way to open that man’s eyes or at least get him here so I have a chance to open them myself.”
“And I need …”
Cutting me off, Summer finished for me. “For him to see Sarah as Sarah.”
“Yes,” I smiled. “That’s what I need.”
“Okay, let’s do it.”
“Do you mind if I pick a couple of your roses?” I asked.
Summer shook her head. “No, go ahead.”
Breaking off two white roses, I placed them side-by-side on the table. I then picked up one and placed it in the palm of my hand. Closing my eyes, I gently blew on the flower. Magically, each petal began to separate from the flower and float in the air, before drifting away into the night sky. Soon, all of the petals were gone.
“What was that?” Summer was in awe at what she’d just witnessed.
“It’s a spell. The flower petals will go in search of your true love, and it might not actually be who you’re hoping it will be,” I warned.
“Oh.” Despite the magic she’d just witnessed, there was still uncertainty in Summer’s voice.
I repeated the spell. This time, I sent the petals into the wind to bring back my true love. If I were meant to be with Darrien, he would come
for me.
“I guess we’ll put this to the test tomorrow night.” Summer got up from her chair. “This should be interesting.”
“It may not work right away,” I informed the other girl. “But it does work. I’ve seen my Aunt Jeanie do this hundreds of times for others.”
“Mine has a long way to come, so it will probably be awhile for me.” Summer frowned.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.
Summer shook her head. “No, you would never believe it. Besides, I can’t talk about my home. That’s what Lex told me.”
Frowning, I asked, “Why is it such a secret anyway?”
Summer made a face. “Old rules. It’s been like this forever, but maybe one day.”
“Yes, maybe one day.” I agreed, but my thoughts were already miles away. I wondered where Darrien was at that moment.
Chapter Nineteen
It was too dark in the catacombs. I couldn’t see a thing.
Once again, I cursed the human weakness that kept me from seeing in the dark. Taking a deep breath, I switched the flashlight on. Within the beam of the flashlight, I saw that the stairs descended deep into the old catacombs below Rome.
“Are you sure this is where the priest said to go?” Dash asked, doubtfully.
We’d managed to find the priest who’d spoken to Alec. The man sent us into the catacombs, where he’d told Alec to go in search of the Book of Anu.
“Nicole, are you even listening to me?” Dash asked again.
“Yes,” I whispered, as I tried to keep from breathing in too deeply and gagging. The stench of decay mingled with the musty air in the tunnels was nauseating. I really had to concentrate to keep from vomiting.
Suddenly, I felt as if the room was spinning and had to put my hand on the wall to steady myself, but then I remembered the corpses lining the tunnels of the catacombs.
“Do you need me to hold you up?” Dash asked, amused at my human frailty.
“No, I’m fine,” I told him, though I was anything but fine. Someone was watching us. I could feel their eyes drilling into my head. The evil radiating from those unseen eyes was so strong that a chill made its way up my spine.
It was waiting for us!
The thought jumped out at me, as if someone was screaming it in my ear. At that moment, I was tempted to turn back. But if Alec were in the catacombs, he was in as much danger we were. Taking a deep breath, I moved forward. We’d find Alec and then we’d get out.
If I could find Alec. The dark voice of doubt forced its way into my head.
“Stop,” Dash hissed.
I froze.
“There’s something up ahead,” he whispered.
“I know. I’ve been feeling it for a few minutes now.”
“Let me go ahead you,” Dash said, stepping in front.
Suddenly, he stopped. “Turn off the light.”
“What is it?” I asked.
Dash motioned for me to be quiet, but after a few minutes, he started moving again. “I still think there’s something down here,” he told me in a low voice.
Without responding, I continued to listen intently for any sounds that seemed out of place, but all I could hear were our footsteps echoing through the tunnels.
I felt a chill on my arm. That’s the first thing my mind registered. The touch was so cold. Then I felt pain as the hand clamped down on my arm and pulled me into the darkness.
I screamed and Dash caught sight of me just as I was being pulled into a passageway. Someone was dragging me across the rough ground. The rock and dirt dug at my bare flesh, but I didn’t feel the sting of my wounds, only the terror of the unknown.
Dash was following as quickly as he could, but the creature that had a hold of me was faster.
Though I struggled to break free, if I pulled anymore, my arm would come right out of its socket. All I could do is scream and hope someone - anyone would hear me.
Chapter Twenty
I wasn’t unaccustomed to so many people crammed into one place. Sure, I’d gone out with friends when I lived in Portland, but not a lot. The Tiger’s Lair was one of the most popular clubs in Reno, at least according to Summer. With the crowd dancing almost shoulder to shoulder, I thought for sure every student on campus must be at the club.
Summer introduced me to several of her friends, but a moment later, I couldn’t even recall their names. My mind was hundreds of miles away, in Sutter Point. The flashing lights of the nightclub couldn’t hold my interest like the memory of Darrien’s lovemaking. Even as I tried to force the memory away so that I could at least try to enjoy my night out, I kept seeing his face and how his passion could set fire to his cold, mesmerizing eyes.
I kept to the dark corners of the club. From where I was sitting, I could see Summer with a group of people. The men seemed to flock around her, but Summer appeared to be completely unaware of the power she wielded over the opposite sex.
Sipping at my drink, I was content to watch Summer have all the fun. My friend tried to get me to come with her while she mingled with the crowd, but I just didn’t feel comfortable. I much preferred the dark corner.
“Would you like to dance?”
My attention was drawn to the man standing at my table, a smile pasted across his face. He was the exact opposite of Darrien. He had a deeply tanned complexion and sun-bleached blond hair. His blue eyes seemed to dance with mischief. It was actually a refreshing change from Darrien’s dismal moods.
I hesitated only a moment before nodding and setting my drink on the table. The man held out his hand and I took it. His hand was warm, so much different than Darrien’s cold touch.
Why did I keep comparing this stranger to Darrien?
He led me through the crowd to the dance floor and then pulled me into his arms. “What’s your name?” he asked.
“Sarah,” I said, forcing a smile. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be dancing with such a hot guy; I just wished I could stop thinking of Darrien.
“Well, Sarah, I’m Anthony,” he told me as he was leading me into a slow dance.
A moment into the dance, I felt eyes on me. It was that tingling sensation that you get when you know someone is watching you. Looking around, I scanned the faces of the crowd to see who had their attention on me.
Finally, I spotted him. He stood in the shadows, away from the crowd. His eyes were like blades, and at that very moment, they were slicing me to shreds. I could feel his anger, even from across the club with a swarm of people between us.
I had to catch my breath. His was the last face I’d expected to see tonight, but there he was. Darrien found me.
Was it my spell or would he have found me anyway?
Now I wished that I hadn’t cast the spell.
Darrien was moving toward me, but I pretended not to notice and snuggled closer to the guy I was dancing with. A little jealousy wouldn’t hurt him, particularly after he’d called me by another woman’s name.
Then he was standing next to us, glaring at my dancing companion. “Do you mind if I finish this dance?” he asked Anthony.
Though it was a request, it was clear he intended to take the man’s place, even if he did have any objections.
Anthony nodded and turned to me. “It was nice meeting you. I hope I get the opportunity to see you again.”
I smiled at him. “Yes, it was nice meeting you too.”
Anthony disappeared into the crowd and Darrien wrapped his arms around my waist. “What are you doing?” he asked, his words alive with fury.
“I was dancing,” I answered, forcing a light tone to my voice.
“You are out here where anyone can see you and you know that you’re being hunted.”
“No one knows where I am. At least no one knew until you found me,” I told him, my mouth turned down in a frown.
“If I can find you, so can they.” Darrien glared at me.
“How did you find me?” I asked, but without meeting his
It had to have been my spell that led Darrien to Reno.
“The wolf who brought you here felt compelled to divulge your location to your father. Donovan Ashe sent me here to take you back to New Orleans. He feels that you would be safer under his care.”
“If he was so worried about my safety, where has he been all these years? Why didn’t he come to get me himself?” My bitterness was evident.
“I asked if I could come for you,” Darrien told me. “As for the rest of it, you’ll have to bring up your questions to your father.”
“Well, I think I’m just fine where I’m at,” I told him, lifting my chin defiantly.
A muscle flicked angrily in his jaw. “Regardless of what you think, you will be coming with me.”
“And if I don’t?” I asked, but I already knew what his answer would be.
“Then I will take you against your will,” he growled. To prove his point, he started pulling me toward the exit.
“Wait! I have to tell my friend that I’m leaving,” I insisted.
Darrien shook his head. “I have already taken the liberty of collecting your things from her apartment and leaving a note for you.”
I was dumbfounded. What a total arrogant jerk!
“What gave you the right to do that?” I said, fixing him with a death glare.
“It was your father’s instructions that I take you out of here with as few people knowing as possible,” he explained.
“She will think that something happened to me,” I insisted.
“No, she doesn’t realize that you are being hunted by vampires. The wolf only told her that you were having some family problems. That is … unless you’ve told her otherwise, and I don’t believe you have.” Darrien was smiling.
He was infuriating! “Why don’t you go chase Caroline’s ghost and leave me be?”
“I am chasing Caroline’s ghost.” Darrien’s eyes turned cold. “Now why don’t we enjoy our dance?” he said, pulling me closer so that his lips were right next to my ear.
Darrien gently caressed my back while his lips went to my neck. He was kissing me and biting at my flesh. Almost immediately, I was trembling, my need for him overcoming caution.